Special Advisor to UK/EU in Anguilla

From left: Chief Minister Victor Banks with Blondell Cluff.

ANGUILLA–On February 5, Governor Tim Foy welcomed to Anguilla Blondel Cluff, Special Advisor to the Chief Minister and Representative to the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU), during a reception in her honour at Government House.

He thanked her for her extreme effectiveness in advocating for Anguilla’s well-being in both the UK and the EU. He also congratulated her on her appointment to the position of Commander of the British Empire (CBE). In turn, she thanked everyone, stating that “it is an honour to serve Anguilla and work alongside all present.”

Chief Minister Victor Banks welcomed Cluff back home to Anguilla and thanked the Governor for hosting her. He praised the quality of her work and contributions to Anguilla over the past two years, stating that she has been “so valuable to Anguilla’s efforts to get the best for Anguilla in its relationship with the UK and the EU.” He made special mention of her assistance in the drafting of proposals and documents to support Anguilla’s case with both the UK and EU.

Cluff, whose parents are both from Anguilla,wasappointed by the current Government as the Anguilla UK/EU Representative based in London on February 1, 2017. Additionally, she serves as Chief Executive of the West India Committee, a UK-registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter in 1904 and founded in London in 1735. The central mission of the charity is to improve the general welfare of the peoples of the Caribbean and the societies in which they live and work through the auspices of education, training, advice and advocacy.

Her work includes the development of cultural tourism as a means of protecting and disseminating the heritage of the region. Additionally, she is currently Chairperson of the Heritage Lottery Fund, London Committee, with responsibility for grants and projects within the City of London and the 32 boroughs. She has extensive experience in banking and financial services enhanced by over 18 years in London as a solicitor and special advisor to the London Stock Exchange and Bank of England.

Cluff will be in Anguilla until the weekend, meeting with Government Ministers and department heads.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/73442-special-advisor-to-uk-eu-in-anguilla