St. Eustatius organises workshop on childcare | THE DAILY HERALD

Participants in the childcare workshop.

 ST. EUSTATIUS–The Ministries of Social Affairs and Employment; of Public Health, Welfare and Sport; and of Education, Culture and Science together with the Public Entities of St. Eustatius, Saba and Bonaire are hosting a three-day follow-up workshop on child- and afterschool care in the Caribbean Netherlands. The event, dubbed “BES(t) 4 kids,” is taking place at Mike van Putten Youth Centre in Statia, October 9 through October 11.

Participating in the three-day event are civil servants of the Public Entities Saba, Statia and Bonaire. This meeting is a follow-up to a first work session held in Bonaire in June. The objective is to arrive at a joint multi-annual plan of approach.

During June’s work meeting participants investigated where and how the public entities and the three ministries could work together. The first steps were also taken towards a joint multi-annual plan of approach.

Participants in this week’s meeting are also to take follow-up steps so that an administrative decision can be taken before the end of this year. Tuesday through Thursday they will focus on, among other things, improvement of quality, supervision and the accessibility of finances.

On all three islands consultations have started with childcare administrators, afterschool care and educational institutions in Bonaire, Statia and Saba in order to receive feedback on what they think about the plans.

Source: The Daily Herald