St. Maarten Academy PSVE to host open house November 7 | THE DAILY HERALD


EBENEZER — St. Maarten Academy’s PSVE section is hosting an Open House from 8:00am to 12:00pm November 7 at its campus in Ebenezer. The school has been busy for several months improving its image and creating a more student-centred environment where students can focus on developing their vocational skills and academic performance.

  “The objective of our open house is to highlight the Vocational Business Campus core subjects and curriculum to the sixth graders, their parents and the general public,” Academy PSVE said in a press release on Tuesday. “In addition, teachers and students from the various departments will have the opportunity to showcase and promote their departments by way of students’ experiments, exhibitions and presentations.”

  The school stated that it is important to know that the sector programme offered at St. Maarten Academy PSVE is Economy with specialisation in “Administration and Commerce.” The two streams available are Praktische Basisgerichte Leerweg (PBL) and Praktische Kadergerichte Leerweg (PKL).

  The exam pupils of the various primary schools will spend the entire school day on the Academy PSVE campus during the open house, experiencing first-hand what it is like to attend classes there. During this time the pupils will follow a regular class schedule, while being introduced to the various subjects the school has to offer. “This will help students make an informative decision as to where they would like to experience their secondary level education,” PSVE representatives said.

  Although most schools have conducted their open houses by giving the pupils a small tour of their facilities, St. Maarten Academy PSVE has decided to do it a little differently this year. The school partnered with key businesses on the island to make the open house experience worthwhile for the pupils and their parents.

  “In addition, seeing that internship is a key component in our programme, it was only fitting to invite those same businesses to be part of this event. The majority of students at our school who perform well during their internship programme usually get hired by these same companies,” the school concluded.

  St. Maarten Academy PSVE said it is confident that attendees will be pleased during its open house on November 7. “We are hereby sending a special invitation to the parents to come in between 8:00am and 12:00pm to visit the different classes and teachers.”

Source: The Daily Herald