St. Maarten Moot Court Team to compete in Gdynia, Poland | THE DAILY HERALD

The St. Maarten team preparing for the opening rounds of the 2020 International High School Moot Court Competition in Gdynia, Poland on Sunday, January 26.



PHILIPSBURG–The St. Maarten Moot Court Team and their coaches left for Gdynia, Poland, on Friday, January 24, to compete in the 2020 International High School Moot Court Competition.

  The moot court team members have prepared themselves for this moment for the past four months. Armed with warm coats and hoodies to resist the cold Polish weather, they will showcase their debating skills in front of legal scholars from all over the world, including actual judges from the International Criminal Court itself.

  The programme is spread out over a whole week and will take place in both Gdynia and Gdansk at several renowned universities and at the Gdansk District Court. The finals will take place on Friday, January 31.

  The moot court participants, high school students from all over the world, will participate in sightseeing, attend traditional Polish dinners and even a formal ceremonial dinner hosted by the Mayor of Gdynia. Of course, the fun-packed programme also provides plenty opportunities for the team members to socialise and exchange experiences.

  The SXM Moot Foundation and the moot court team thanked all their sponsors who have made this trip possible.

Source: The Daily Herald