St. Maarten Morning Weather Forecast for Monday

DATE ISSUED: Monday, August 29, 2016 @ 06:00 LST (10:00 UTC)

VALID UNTIL: Tuesday morning (06:00 LST) August 30, 2016

Today through Tuesday morning: Partly cloudy with local showers possible.

Forecast High: 31°C / 88°F             Forecast Low: 27°C / 81°F

Sunset Today:  6:28 P.M.                Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:58 A.M.

Today through Tuesday morning: Southeast to east with a light to gentle breeze of 04 to 12 miles per hour.


A relatively drier air mass is moving into the local region, therefore limiting any significant precipitation. However, lingering moisture from a recent trough system may produce a local shower from time to time during this forecast period.

Seas are forecast to remain slight to moderate during the next few days.

STATE OF THE SEA: Slight to moderate         WAVES/SWELLS: 3 to 5 feet

SPECIAL FEATURE:  Hurricane Gaston continues to move away from the Lesser Antilles with maximum sustained winds near 115 mph (Cat-3). Gaston poses no threat to St. Maarten.

Tropical depression number eight located west of Bermuda has maximum sustained winds near 35 mph and poses no threat to St. Maarten.

Tropical depression number nine located southeast of Florida has maximum sustained winds near 35 mph and poses no threat to St. Maarten.

The St. Maarten Meteorological Department will continue to monitor the progress of these systems.

OUTLOOK through Wednesday morning: Partly cloudy with a local shower possible.


The next weather forecast will be issued today at 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC).

For further information visit our website:

Source: Daily Herald
St. Maarten Morning Weather Forecast for Monday