St. Martin wins Jury Prize for technical innovations in public service at show | THE DAILY HERALD

St. Martin received the Jury Prize for a technical project. Accepting the award were, from left: Martial Halley, Sabrina Placidoux, with President Daniel Gibbs and an unidentified individual at right.

President Daniel Gibbs took part in a climate change workshop in Paris at the same time.

 MARIGOT–St. Martin won the “Prix Coup de Coeur du Jury” and a Territorial Engineering Trophy at the Salon des Maires et de Collectivités Locales held at Porte de Versailles, Paris, on November 20, the Collectivité revealed.

The Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales is the only national event that brings together all the major players in public procurement. The event hosted the second edition of the Territorial Engineering Trophies, organised by Techni Cités and La Gazette des Communes. These Trophies are an opportunity to highlight technical innovations on the territories. They reward innovative local authorities whose original work contributes to improving the quality of public service.

Composed of technical experts, associations of elected officials and the editorial offices of Techni Cités and the Gazette des Communes, the Jury awards a prize to the most promising projects for the public service.

The Collectivité of St. Martin received the “Prix coup de cœur du jury” for the work carried out between the Direction de l’Aménagement du Territoire et de l’Urbanisme, directed by engineer Sabrina Placidoux and the Système d’Information Graphique (SIG), the service directed by the technician Martial Halley.

The project titled “When town planning police meet the SIG” consisted of creating a platform run by agents assigned to the town planning police which makes it possible to collect data in real time, such as the number of construction jobs in progress, the type of construction, etc., to map them, and identify so-called risk areas as part of the appraisal of town planning authorisations, in order to elaborate statistics on construction on the French side of the island.

Present at the Congress of Mayors where he participated in the “Climate Change” workshop organised by the Association of Mayors of France, President Daniel Gibbs was able to attend the presentation of the prizes to the St. Martin winners.

The President praised the work of the two territorial executives, Placidoux and Halley, who made it possible for the Collectivité of St. Martin to be awarded the 2018 prize and who, through their professional involvement, proved in the context of reconstruction that the Collectivité is fully capable of bringing about profound and innovative changes for the benefit of its residents.

Source: The Daily Herald