Statia’s Agri-Christmas festival draws large community turnout | THE DAILY HERALD

Grill master hard at work at the grill.

page13d149 1Dr. Sharon Veira from the Unit Manager of Agriculture and Veterinary Services LVV (second right) pauses for a photo with other attendees at the Agri-Christmas festival.

page13e149 1Attendees at the Agri-Christmas festival enjoying some refreshing coconut water from the source.

~ Additional Christmas themed events planned ~

ST. EUSTATIUS–The Agri-Christmas festival was held at Slaughterhouse grounds in the Concordia area on Friday, December 7. The event was a collaborative effort between Agriculture and Veterinary Services and Made in St. Eustatius.

The community came out in droves to take part in this event, with numerous booths featuring a wide range of items for sale such as fresh produce, vegetables, honey, candies and home-cooked meals. There was also singing and dancing, where everyone enjoyed themselves at the festival.

Various Christmas-themed events are set to be held by different organisations and individuals in the coming days. The Happy Pizzeria and Grill will host “koopavond” (shopping night) every Monday and Tuesday during the month in the evening from 5:00 to 8:00.

Today, Thursday, December 14, Eutel, the local telecommunication company will host a “koopavond” at its premises from 6:00 until 9:00.

On Friday, December 15, Marcella “Lady of Culture” Marsdin has extended an invitation to children, youths and seniors to be on the lookout for Santa Claus, who will be distributing candy to all children.

Source: The Daily Herald