Fred Cuvalay.
ST. EUSTATIUS–A water-catchment system at the solar park and advanced meter infrastructure are highlights among the upcoming project for this year, said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of St. Eustatius Utility Company Stuco Fred Cuvalay.
The Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) is a full measurement and collection system that includes meters at the customer site, communication networks between the customer and the service provider, and data reception and management systems that make the information available to the provider.
According to Stuco’s CEO this system provides customers a means to directly manage their consumption. After a thorough investigation, Stuco will soon be at the point of launching the tender for this project.
“We envision to have the project completed in two years. This project would also allow Stuco to significantly enhance its technical management of the distribution system. It’s simply a most needed system on the commercial side of our business,” Cuvalay said.
Last year, for the first time ever, Stuco was able to maintain the power supply to a part of St. Eustatius on their underground network during the passing of hurricanes and storms.
The company seeks to further expand the group of customers that will have access to the underground network from about 35 per cent to approximately 60 per cent of its clients, with the financial support of the 11th European Development Fund.
Cuvalay said that work is expected to commence in the coming months, “duly guided” by the Island Government after the funds have been received, the tendering process has been executed and crucial materials have arrived. The intention is to commence at the foot of Rosemary Lane in the direction of Princess.
Stuco is presently installing a water-catchment system at the solar park which is expected to be completed within the next three months. With the capture of some 26 million litres of water per year, Cuvalay said this is in support of agriculture under the solar panels and for other ongoing agriculture initiatives, as well as to provide water for animals during periods of drought.
The Island Government is expected to install a water holding system in order to capture and retain run-off from the Stuco cistern.
With this, Cuvalay said Stuco’s sustainable solar park project “becomes the basis for the sustainability of agriculture on the island by allowing effective…utilization of the solar park grounds…to the benefit of the community of Statia.”
The water storage capacity, which is presently only about a three days’ supply, is matter of concern Stuco’s CEO said. “According to the Electricity and Water Law [the supply – Ed.] should be at least seven days taking contingencies into account as well. For this, among other matters, Stuco intends to address the responsible Ministry to the benefit of the community.”
Source: The Daily Herald
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