Supervisor takeover at Saba Waste Management Facility | THE DAILY HERALD

Saba Waste Management Facility former supervisor Arnold Hassell (left) and his successor Patrick Hassell (right).

SABA–Patrick Hassell is the new supervisor at Saba’s Waste Management Facility as of Tuesday, February 21. He has taken over from Arnold Hassell, who has been supervisor for the past seven years. Arnold will stay on a few more months during the transition before going on pension, several years after his pensionable age.

  Patrick (29) started working at the Waste Management Facility six years ago. Arnold saw Patrick’s potential and served as his mentor to coach him for his new role as supervisor.

  Patrick watched, observed and listened to Arnold’s explanations over the years. “I observed the work that was being done. I learned how to be self-sufficient in trying, for example, to fix machines when they break down. Sometimes we have to call in someone from outside for the repairs, but for the most part, we fix it ourselves.”

  Patrick did not finish high school and managed to get this far through hard work, dedication, a supportive family and the coaching from Arnold, he said.

  Waste management and recycling manager Camilo Usuga said that besides all these aspects, Patrick also has a great personality. “He is definitely an asset to the team, and we welcome him as the new supervisor.”

  Arnold should have gone on pension a few years ago, but decided to stay on for a while longer so that Patrick could be trained to take over his job.

  Arnold expressed much appreciation for Patrick and the 12-member team at the facility. “The men mostly work seven days a week. It is hard work separating, sorting, packing and storing the different types of waste and recyclables in the containers before we export them to the United States for further processing. We have a very efficient organisation and I am proud of them,” he said.

  When Arnold came to work at the Waste Management Facility after being supervisor at the Public Works Department, the operations were far from efficient and almost all waste was burned. The burning generated smoke and hazardous fumes that were unhealthy for the residents in nearby St. John’s, but also for the workers at the Waste Management Facility.

  “When I started here, there was some separation of waste and we burned five times a week. With all the sorting and recycling we do now, we only burn once a week with some wood and medical waste.”

  With hard work and with financial support from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management IenW, many improvements were made at the facility throughout the years. “Now, we have it much more organised. We have more equipment, more space. We got a good thing going here,” said Arnold.

  Patrick said that as the new supervisor he wanted to look into ways to further improve the waste management process, “make it easier, and even more efficient.”

  He said he would like to set up a shed where residents can drop off items that are still in good condition, which other people can then pick up. “That way, things that are still good to use don’t unnecessarily end up as waste,” he said.

  Usuga said that the efficiency with which the waste management facility worked was a “big accomplishment” of Arnold, Patrick and the team. “As for Patrick having become a supervisor, it shows that putting in work ethic and dedication gets you far. There is a lot of young potential out there who could get far with the help of a mentor. I am very grateful that Arnold embraced that role.”

  Waste Management Commissioner Bruce Zagers said he can still remember when Arnold was approached to take over the management responsibilities at the landfill.

  “Since Arnold has been working at the landfill, the changes and improvements he has been able to facilitate are remarkable. Because of his efforts and the motivated team, Saba is now seen as one of the leading examples of waste management in the Caribbean. We are all very appreciative of Arnold’s commitment and passion for improving waste management for Saba,” said Zagers.

  “As for Patrick, he has proven to be ready to take over the management responsibilities and he is doing so with full confidence from the Executive Council. Patrick is a prime example for others because of his work ethics and his determination. … I wish him much success and I look forward to working along with him to further improve our waste processing systems.”

Source: The Daily Herald