Supporting the youth | THE DAILY HERALD

Travel Planners continues to show confidence in and believe in the Teen Times product. The company donated two travel vouchers on Thursday that will go to the Prom King and Queen to be crowned at Teen Times’ 21st annual Prom Night.

The event has grown into one of the most anticipated end-of-the-year events for high school seniors. For more than a decade Travel Planners has supported Teen Times’ monthly print publication and its efforts to showcase talented St. Maarten youth abroad by exposing them to bigger opportunities in the performing arts. “Travel Planners has been Teen Times’ steadfast partner for what seems like forever and we are beyond grateful that the company has stood by us and believes in what we do for our youth. Zaida and her team are awesome!” Teen Times said. In photo: Teen Times member Dejeunique George and Assistant Coordinator Nichele Smith, Travel Planners Managing Director Zaida Urvina, and Teen Times member Erica Jacobs.

Source: The Daily Herald