Teachers attend workshop about conscious discipline | THE DAILY HERALD

Instructor Helen Guda (standing left), ECE Director Camelia Berkel-Dembrook (standing centre) and Instructor Regina Ras-de Kort (standing right) with some workshop participants.




ST. EUSTATIUS–A two-day workshop on conscious discipline for teachers of pre-school, primary schools and the after-school programmes on was conducted on St. Eustatius over the weekend by Expertise Center for Education (ECE).

Workshop instructors were Helen Guda and Regina Ras-de Kort from Aruba. The goal was to make teachers more conscious about how to discipline children. A similar session will be hosted for parents on how to work with their children.

“We want to change our approach towards children … we want to create a safe environment for all children to develop … It is not only about the academics, but it is also about the holistic child, the total child overall,” said ECE Director Camelia Berkel-Dembrook.

Instructor Guda said, “We as educators and parents are conscious of the way we teach our children how to handle themselves, how to handle other people.”

ECE team comprises Ykerna Rivers (ambulatory guidance counsellor), Cristina Timber-Glover (ambulatory guidance counsellor), Charmaine Glover (Art therapist), Whitney Frimpong (Behavioural therapist), Judith Bles (Ambulatory guidance counsellor for special needs), Marva Woodley (Administration) and Camelia Berkel-Dembrook (ECE Director).

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/81975-teachers-attend-workshop-about-conscious-discipline