POND ISLAND–TelCell has launched its third annual Carnival SMS and Win campaign featuring prizes for the entire family.
The top prize is a Caribbean cruise for two with US $1,000 onboard credit. Other prizes include Ashley furniture to the value of $5,000; various high-end electronic devices from Klass Electronics; a $1,500 package from Kooyman for those still rebuilding from Hurricane Irma; and many other smaller prizes.
“We are once again very thankful to our promotion partners for coming up with some fabulous prizes to make this another special SMS promotion for TelCell subscribers,” TelCell Manager of Marketing and Sales Grisha Heyliger-Marten said in a press release.
She said Carrefour Market has joined this year’s line-up of partners by offering a $1,000 voucher to a lucky winner in the promotion. Also included amongst the partners are Simpson Bay Resort and La Patrona.
According to Heyliger-Marten, the promotion is popular with subscribers because it is so easy. “All they have to do is text CARNIVAL to 7777 and the more they text the more chance they have to be selected as one of the 10 prize-winners with the most texts sent,” she said.
She wishes everyone “the best of luck,” noting that the promotion will run until May 2, when the names of the winners will be announced during the burning of King Momo to signal the end of another year of Carnival.
Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/74687-telcell-offers-cruise-for-two-in-carnival-sms-campaign
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