MARIGOT–The Territorial Council on Thursday voted for a change of governance in the management of SEMSAMAR, the last and the most anticipated agenda point due to the controversy surrounding the Collectivité’s intentions.
There were 15 votes for, four against and two abstentions. While the vote was carried by the majority, the second vote on giving authorization to Yawo Nyuiadzi, the current President of SEMSAMAR to stand for the position of President Director General of the company was by no means a routine passage but exposed a clear division in the majority party.
The motion was adopted with 12 votes for, six against and two abstentions. Nyuiadzi left the room for the vote.
“Rethinking the governance of our semi-public company is a long-term task. We looked at what the Articles of Association allowed, and after reflection we opted for the establishment of a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO),” Gibbs said in his preamble speech. “We decided on this option in the interests of efficiency by giving the CEO the opportunity to work alongside the general management.
“Our desire is not to change the operational management, nor is it to disrupt the established order, the projects in progress, but rather to strengthen the executive for a better execution efficiency. SEMSAMAR’s management is therefore likely to evolve, but all projects in all territories remain unchanged and will even be strengthened in St. Martin.
“On this point, I think I can say that we have strong and unanimous support. The evolution of governance is a strong demand from the people of St. Martin, the members of my majority and the elected members of this council, if I believe the past statements of both parties. It is also a request from our funders and institutional partners. We have the courage to make a concrete proposal for change in the interest of St. Martin. This must be highlighted and this opportunity seized.”
Gibbs gave assurance to neighbouring territories that there is no question of stopping development in Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guiana, quite the contrary, but the change, he said, is simply about giving more opportunities to St. Martin, which needs them for its reconstruction.
He said there is no question of dismantling SEMSAMAR for the benefit of any organization. “I would rather resign from my mandate than be the one who decided to give up the 51 per cent majority of the Collectivité of St. Martin. However, we have had discussions with two shareholders who intend to sell their shares, and we are considering proposing to Guiana and Martinique to enter the capital. You are therefore officially informed.
“As for SEMSAMAR employees. I hear their concern, which is essentially based on this unfounded question of dismantling, and I solemnly tell them that there is none of this… Simply the desire on our part to strengthen the company’s governance.”
The vote to install Yawo Nyuiadzi as CEO will be taken by the SEMSAMAR board of directors, not the Collectivité, on December 18. The votes in the Territorial Council were transitional steps to lay foundation for new governance.
It is not clear, however, what happens now to the present Director-General Marie-Paule Bélénus Romana and whether she remains in the management structure or accepts a different or lesser role with the company or whether she leaves. The function of Director General falls within the scope of the CEO.
Opposition Councillor Jules Charville said Bélénus Romana had apparently been prevented from speaking on local radio on Tuesday, but she did give an interview to Guadeloupe Premier. He quoted her as saying: “There is a project from the State and CDC Habitat to recoup SEMSAMAR and evict me as Director. The future salary of the PDG has also been announced at 150,000 euros. To calm me down they have proposed me for PDG of Patrimony for SEMSAMAR.”
Charville said if Gibbs is not re-elected three years from now the situation at SEMSAMAR could be destabilized because a new team will have to decide whether they want a PDG or a Director General as before.
Source: The Daily Herald
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