The Collectivité launches ‘Information Wednesdays’ | THE DAILY HERALD


MARIGOT–As of Wednesday, January 16, 2019, the Collectivité’s Direction de l’ Autonomie des Personnes will provide information services entitled “Les Mercredis de l’ Info” (Information Wednesdays) in the Maisons des Services au Public (MSAP) of Sandy Ground and Quartier d’ Orléans.

The purpose of these offices is to get as close as possible to the public and to support them in their administrative procedures.

The sessions will be run by agents from the Department of Solidarity and Families and organised as follows: Senior Info Point–The Senior Info Point will offer seniors or their families a welcome, a listening ear and information on areas of concern to them: home support, priority cards, various administrative procedures, etcetera; Disability Information Point–The Disability Information Point will offer people with disabilities or their families a welcome, a listening ear and information on the issues that concern them, including help with administrative procedures.

Information Wednesday sessions will be held from 8:30am to 12:00pm in the MSAPs of Sandy Ground and Quartier d’Orléans.

Source: The Daily Herald