Three winners announced for inaugural René Mathon Prize | THE DAILY HERALD

At the René Mathon Award ceremony were, from left: First VP Valérie Damaseau, competition organiser Sandrine Jabouley, first-prize winner Franklin Denis, President Gibbs, second-prize winner Diane Choisy, second VP Yawo Nyuiadzi, and Chamber of Commerce President Angèle Dormoy. (Robert Luckock photo)

MARIGOT–Three entrepreneurs were presented with the René Mathon Prize, an entrepreneurship award named after the late well-known businessman and former President of the Marigot Merchant’s Association, at a ceremony held in the Chamber of Commerce CCISM Saturday evening.

  Organized by CCISM in partnership with Fédération de Trés Petites Entreprises (FTPE), ISMA, the Bar of Guadeloupe of St. Barthelemy and St. Martin, the award’s objective is to instil in young entrepreneurs the importance of anticipating managerial decision-making in situations related to the technicalities of their activity, to promote the economic dynamics of the territory and to perpetuate and develop the activity of young entrepreneurs on the island of St. Martin.

  Candidates who applied to take part in the competition were asked 10 questions that included describing the functioning of their business, management, revenue, profit and loss, the difficulties they encounter, and what help they needed.

  Winner of the award’s first edition went to Franklin Denis (27) and his company Delec Trans. His company formed in 2018, digs trenches for burying fibre optic cables and other infrastructure, and also does landscaping, excavating, trucking and electrical work. Diane Choisy’s Beauty Lounge Day Spa was second and third place went to Ausmilia Vital’s Vital Byo. Vital was unable to be present for the ceremony.

  ”Franklin stood out because of the size and scope of his company and his relative youth,” noted competition organiser Sandrine Jabouley. “He recognised he was doing some things wrong and needed training. It was important for him to realise there is a lot of administration work that goes with running a company. And we can help him.”

  She said the selection committee had to also focus on the personality of the candidates to judge how focused he or she was on their business.

  Winners will benefit from help to grow their business from the sponsorship committee during four quarters in 2020. This committee is composed of accounting experts, marketing experts, lawyers, socio-professionals (FTPE, Initiative St. Martin) and a banker. 

  The accompaniment consists of guiding the winner from time to time (two hours per trimester during a meeting with the sponsorship committee), on sticking points according to the competence, experience, and network of the members of the sponsoring committee.

  The René Mathon Award is open to various independent commercial or craft structures (but not part of a group, or from a company located outside St. Martin). These structures need to be registered with the CCISM, either under the Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Trades, or Chamber of Agriculture of which the work force does not exceed 20 employees. The activity must have started less than three years ago, and they must be up to date with their social and tax contributions.

  Associative structures are not eligible. Only one file is accepted per structure and participation is free.

  The evening was an opportunity for President of the Chamber of Commerce Angèle Dormoy to present her New Year wishes. President Daniel Gibbs and Bâtonnier Ordre des Avocats de Guadeloupe, St. Martin and St. Barths, Nicolas Charles, were the other speakers. 

Source: The Daily Herald