Tiny Carollers bring holiday cheer to Statia | THE DAILY HERALD

Deputy Government Commissioner Claudia Toet (left), Government Commissioner Alida Francis (second left) and the Tiny Carollers with Lady of Culture Marcella Marsdin (right) carolling on Friday.

ST. EUSTATIUS–A group of young children called “The Tiny Carollers” brought some holiday cheer to St. Eustatius on Friday, December 10, when they went to several locations singing Christmas carols.

  Under the leadership of Lady of Culture Marcella Marsdin on drums, the young children kept the carolling tradition alive with their activity.

 They first visited government offices and sang for Government Commissioner Alida Francis, Deputy Government Commissioner Claudia Toet and their staffers. The government commissioners thanked Marsdin and the Tiny Carollers for their gesture.

  The group then visited stores, offices and schools around the island spreading holiday cheer through carolling.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/tiny-carollers-bring-holiday-cheer-to-statia