Tourist couple shot at, robbed in Grand Case | THE DAILY HERALD

GRAND CASE–A male tourist was shot by a firearm Sunday night in Grand Case and was robbed of his wallet, while his wife was robbed of her hand bag.

  The incident occurred at midnight in the vicinity of Le Pressoir restaurant as the couple were walking back to Grand Case Beach Club, according to the Fire Brigade (pompiers) who were first on the scene.

  Video footage taken by a passer by showed the male victim with blood on his trousers on the ground talking to the medics.  It was not specified what his injury was or if any vital organs were affected.

  The pompiers indicated the man was in his 60s and the couple were on vacation. He was transported to hospital in what the pompiers said was a “medicalised emergency.”

  The Gendarmerie declined to comment, referring the incident to the Public Prosecutor for more information. No further clarity on the incident could immediately be obtained as the call to Prosecutor Xavier Sicot in Guadeloupe went straight to message.

Source: The Daily Herald