TPI to conduct training at TelEm | THE DAILY HERALD

POND ISLAND–Training Professionals International (TPI) firm will be conducting a leadership, coaching and management training to a select group of potential team leaders at the TelEm Group “to boost their development towards achieving overall success.”

“Upon taking up the position of CEO [Chief Executive Officer – Ed.], I took an entire year to evaluate the weaknesses within the organisation. I took note of the lack of a cohesive management team with the required skills to take the company to the next level,” TelEm CEO Kendall Dupersoy was quoted as saying in a press release issued by TPI over the weekend.

“To achieve this, training would be necessary. In conjunction with Shadira Lont-Richardson [Manager Human Resources and Development – Ed.] and her team, we contacted TPI, who has a syllabus of leadership and coaching programmes. TPI customised a training programme specifically for TelEm and I was happy that all the trainings are internationally certified.”

The training will encourage participants to adopt management and leadership skills by applying skills and competencies in their daily roles and responsibilities, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the difference between management and leadership, adopting approaches to lead, guide, direct, support, and empower employees, practising communication skills to enrich the work culture and adopting management and leadership traits that retain employees, TPI said in its release.

Through coaching, they can enable teams and individuals to be creative, skilled, and internally motivated to achieve high performance results, the release stated.

“This course will help the learners to help the people in their teams to achieve more and contribute more, energise and connect people to business goals in a powerful way, manage the performance and develop the skills of others through coaching, develop their own management and leadership competencies through coaching, inspire excellence, and foster potential,” TPI President Dr. Natasha Gittens said.

Source: The Daily Herald