Traffic jams, crowded stores highlights of Black Friday | THE DAILY HERALD

Shoppers making the most of Black Friday deals in Cost U Less. Story on page 8.


PHILIPSBURG–Traffic moved at a snail’s pace in some areas for parts of the day on Friday, as scores of residents went hunting from store to store to cash in on Black Friday deals.

  Some establishments saw a steady flow of customers from early in the morning looking for deals. Philipsburg in particular was a buzz of activity with customers taking advantage of the offers from many of the electronic and other establishments that had specials. 

  Some establishments spiced up the Black Friday atmosphere with music for a fun party atmosphere to attract customers. Some establishments also offered snacks. Blue Point on Walter Nisbeth Road (Pondfill) for example, offered fresh fruits such as apples and bananas, as well as bottled water and juice to their customers. 

  Around some establishments, persons handed out flyers to shoppers outlining the deals that were available at particular stores.

  While many were out shopping, funny black Friday memes were making their rounds on social media, many of which were discouraging persons from overspending lest they end up in a financial bind later on.

Source: The Daily Herald