TV channel ‘IOTV’ back on Canal + Caribbean Bouquet | THE DAILY HERALD

The IOTV team


MARIGOT–French St. Martin’s TV channel IOTV is back on television screens after more than seven months of technical challenges since the devastating passage of Hurricane Irma which completely destroyed the channel’s studios.

Now thanks to the support of Canal + Caraibes the channel is back on the air with an adapted programme schedule ahead of reconstruction of the studios in September 2018.

The St. Martin TV channel covers the news of the island through local information reports Monday to Friday at 6:45pm, followed by the show “Wahapen,” interviews in the streets of Marigot, and reports entirely devoted to St. Martin local life.

A daily weather forecast for the Northern Islands is also in preparation, which will help the population stay informed for the upcoming hurricane season.

Topical themed programs as well as magazines will come next to enrich the programme schedule. For more information contact Loic Lagoutte at (0690) 34. 34. 64 or email:

Source: The Daily Herald