Two supermarkets robbed at gunpoint in Sandy Ground

MARIGOT–Two small supermarkets in Sandy Ground were robbed on Tuesday evening, the Gendarmerie disclosed.

One supermarket located before the bridge on the side of Marigot was a victim and the other one was located a little before Baie Nettle.

At around 7:30pm an individual wearing a crash helmet walked into the first supermarket and held the cashier at gunpoint before stealing the contents of the cash drawer and before exiting where an accomplice on a scooter was waiting.

The pair then proceeded to the next supermarket and repeated the same theft. About 400 in mixed euros and dollars currency was taken from both supermarkets.

Capitaine Emmanuel Maignan indicated after the second robbery, shots were fired at a car that was chasing them, though it was not known why and if the car was trying to apprehend the suspects. The car sustained some damages from the bullets but otherwise there were no injuries.

November has seen four armed robberies so far. Capitaine Maignan added 2016 has recorded 45 armed robberies in total so far, considerably less than the 106 robberies recorded in 2015.

Both robberies are under investigation.

Source: The Daily Herald