Union UNI.T 978 set to prepare ‘plan of action’ over Collectivité decisions | THE DAILY HERALD

MARIGOT–The union UNI.T 978, in a press release issued Sunday evening, has published a number of claims regarding decisions made by the Collectivité that it described as “injustices.”

It is calling for the people of St. Martin to assemble on the waterfront in Marigot today, Monday, September 3, at 6:00pm to prepare a plan of action.

The UNI.T 978 release claims “that the Collectivité recruited a new Director of Human Resources (DRH), breaking with proper procedures and ethics, and made her available to the Caisse Territorial des Oeuvres Scolaires (CTOS).”

– “That a certain amount of CTOS employees were fired under false pretences and told not to show up to work because their contracts would not be renewed.”

– “That the Collectivité decided to pull a Guadeloupean out of her job in Guadeloupe to put her ahead of a St. Martiner.”

– “That as a consequence of being in favour of recruiting a qualified St. Martiner, the President of CTOS has been a victim of an illegal impeachment attempt.”

– “That the President’s sister was transferred from the hospital to the Department of Solidarity and Families. On what basis?”

“Today the people of St. Martin are standing together, under the guidance of the union, to correct this injustice, to right this wrong and set the heads of state straight,” the release concluded.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/80214-union-uni-t-978-set-to-prepare-plan-of-action-over-collectivite-decisions