UPDATE: Four men rob Oro de Sol store in Hotel La Samanna

MARIGOT–Oro de Sol jewellery store in Hotel La Samanna fell victim to an armed robbery Wednesday morning with an undisclosed number of items stolen.

Capitaine Emmanuel Maignan confirmed that four masked individuals, one armed with a gun, had entered the store at around 11:00am and held the employee at gunpoint before stealing various items and escaping in a small white car towards the Dutch side.

“About five minutes after the robbery, they were already heading for Cupecoy,” Maignan said last night. “It appeared they accessed the hotel property from a small road and through bushes close to the border, and that is the same way they escaped.

“The white car they made their getaway in was found abandoned in Mullet Bay by the Dutch-side police. I don’t have all the details of what was stolen, or the value of it, but many expensive watches were taken.”

He made no mention of shots exchanged between the suspects and Gendarmes.

The four robbers were still at large as of last night. The Dutch-side police are cooperating in the investigation.

“We have had very good communication and cooperation from the Dutch-side police,” Maignan added

A spokesperson for La Samanna told The Daily Herald earlier that the robbery had not affected the hotel itself, staff or guests, and no one had been injured.

“The employee of the store has given a statement to the Gendarmerie. She was not hurt, and contrary to comments on social media, there was no hostage situation,” the spokesperson added.

An estimated 30 armed Gendarmes with riot gear were seen leaving the hotel premises at approximately 1:45pm in an assortment of trucks and vehicles. A forensics team and the French Fire Department (Pompiers) were also present.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/62324-update-four-men-rob-oro-de-sol-store-in-hotel-la-samanna