Update: Man dies after shooting in DQ

DUTCH QUARTER–Police found an unidentified man on the ground fighting for his life after sustaining multiple bullet wounds on Gibbs Drive, Dutch Quarter, at 3:50pm Tuesday.

Police spokesman Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson said had been transported to the St. Maarten Medical Center Emergency Room for treatment, but died later on Tuesday. Henson said doctors had done as much as they could, but the wounds were too severe.

Reports suggest that the man was driving his vehicle when shots came from another location, causing him to stop his vehicle and crawl out to seek help.

“The call came in close to 4:00pm and officers and ambulance rushed to the scene. The man was on the ground and no sign of the person(s) responsible for the shooting. Police collected evidence from the scene and hope to get answers from witnesses who might have seen the shooting,” stated Henson.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/index.php?option=com-content&view=article&id=76045:update-man-dies-after-shooting-in-dq&catid=47&Itemid=165