US Party board calls Brison’s resignation ‘complete surprise’ | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–The board of United St. Maarten Party (US Party) said on Thursday that the resignation of its former Member of Parliament (MP) Rolando Brison as well as the reasons he subsequently gave for leaving the party “came as a complete surprise.”

The board said in a press release that although differences of opinion existed, they were simply opinions. “They existed long before the board’s decision to place him in the number one position to head the list for this upcoming election,” the board said.

“The board accepts his resignation and as a party we will continue the fight to raise the bar in government, ensuring that our country can maximise its potential and operate on a higher level for the benefit of all its citizens. Those are the principles on which [US Party – Ed.] was founded and our focus and determination to fulfil that task will not be shaken or derailed.”

The board said it stands behind its principles of inclusion and opportunity for all. “As a party, we have always embraced creativity and the promotion of young dynamic candidates, giving all an opportunity to serve their country, and our record speaks for itself. We were the trendsetters from our inception in 2014, with the unveiling of a board headed by a young president, and 15 young candidates, all with the desire and passion to serve their country; that has not and will not change.”

The party said it firmly believes that everyone should be given an opportunity to serve their country, regardless of past mistakes. “Our open-door policy and inclusive culture, where opinions and suggestions are always welcome and debated by the leadership of the party, is what has driven and sustained us for the past five years and we stand by our process, as without structure there is chaos.

“As with any family there will always be a difference of opinion, but at the end of the day we are all responsible.”

The board wished Brison much success with his future endeavours and said US Party leader Frans Richardson will hold a press conference on Monday to address the upcoming elections and how the party will move forward in its quest to serve St. Maarten.

Source: The Daily Herald