USM seminar Wed. on innovation, technology | THE DAILY HERALD

POND ISLAND–University of St. Martin (USM) will relaunch its monthly seminar series with a session on innovation and technology in the USM Conference Room on Wednesday, February 13, at 6:30pm.

  The series will highlight issues and topics of public interest and academic endeavours related to the 2030 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda endorsed by BAK and UNESCO St. Maarten.

  This month’s guest speakers will include engineer and architect Damian Richardson, business developer and innovation consultant Damien Schmidt and new president of St. Maarten’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry Benjamin Ortega.

  USM said in a press release that each of them will offer a 20-minute introduction in the areas of small island business development through technological innovation and infrastructure, which fit into SDG #9 on the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

  Marvio Cooks is scheduled to moderate the panel and engage the public in a lively discussion.

  USM President Antonio Carmona said the seminar series is a call to promote the production of knowledge, science, research and ideas of innovation already flourishing in St. Maarten and the region, with the purpose of building a university that caters to the social needs, collective hopes and wellbeing of the country. 

  “After a very successful first string of seminars held last semester, in 2019 we will continue to offer the community some intellectual ammunition for sustainable development produced by our own local talent,” Carmona said. “Through critical thinking and fostering public dialogue, we hope to feed our curriculum as well as public policy.”

  Following the talks, there will be room for structured public dialogue in which attendees can participate. USM said it hopes to see “a healthy balance” of participants from government, non-governmental organisations and the academic and business communities at the forum.   

Source: The Daily Herald