UTS to pay government | THE DAILY HERALD

WILLEMSTAD–Curaçao-based United Telecommunication Services (UTS) has made a payment arrangement for its debt to the country. This was announced by Finance Minister Kenneth Gijsbertha during the weekly press conference at the Council of Ministers.

The minister was discussing public finances. He said the government-owned company in which St. Maarten also has a minority share owes Curaçao NAf. 37 million in dividends.

The issue was one of various concerns recently expressed by the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT: the amount is on the budget, but it seemed uncertain whether this money would ever be forthcoming.

According to Gijsbertha, there are now clear agreements with the telecom provider and they are going to pay this NAf. 37 million in instalments.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/80663-uts-to-pay-government