UWI Open Campus Anguilla receives Award for Excellence | THE DAILY HERALD

Dr. Longsworth presenting Award for Excellence to Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks.

 ANGUILLA–The University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus Anguilla is the recipient of the UWI Open Campus 2018 Pro Vice Chancellor/Principal’s Award for Excellence for outstanding performance. The 42 sites in the UWI Open Campus are eligible for the award each year and it is presented to the site that has demonstrated a consistently high level of efficiency and effectiveness of operations over a three-year period. The criteria include positive growth in student numbers and student experience, employee engagement, community involvement and the fostering of internal and external partnerships.

  The Award was presented to Manager for the UWI Open Campus, British Overseas Territories, Dr. Phyllis Fleming-Banks on behalf of the Anguilla Site at a Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony in Jamaica on Saturday, December 1. The announcement was made by Deputy Director for Commercial Operations, Dr. Cheryl Sloley and presented by Pro Vice Chancellor/Principal Dr. Luz Longsworth, both of whom offered special congratulations to the Site for “a well-deserved award.”

   Speaking on behalf of Anguilla, Dr. Fleming-Banks thanked staff, students, alumni, government and the community at large for their continued support of the operations of the UWI Open Campus in Anguilla. “We are honoured and humbled to receive this Award. The accomplishment of the UWI Open Campus Anguilla is indeed a reflection of the spirit of the Anguillian jollification, because it represents our collaborative and supportive efforts,” she said.

  During her recent visit to the Anguilla Campus, Longsworth noted the phenomenal growth over the last three years in Anguilla, that now has the highest per capita registration in the UWI Open Campus in the Eastern Caribbean. In addition to the over 500 per cent increase in online student numbers, the Site boasts a large and growing student enrolment in its local Continuing and Professional Development programmes.  The UWI Open Campus Anguilla has also forged a wide range of partnerships and collaborations with government departments, non-governmental organisations and other educational institutions. In addition, the Site received commendation for its resilience and outstanding support provided to students and staff following the passage of Hurricane Irma last year.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/83586-uwi-open-campus-anguilla-receives-award-for-excellence