Vice-President Nyuiadzi appointed rapporteur for overseas statistics | THE DAILY HERALD

Senator Guillaume Arnell and Vice-President Yawo Nyuiadzi with other delegates at the CNEPEOM meeting.


MARIGOT–Collectivité Vice-President Yawo Nyuiadzi recently attended a plenary session of The National Commission for the Evaluation of Overseas State Policies (CNEPEOM) in Paris.

This second plenary session was the occasion for members of CNEPEOM to define the working phases for this new legislature. Four themes were unanimously chosen. CNEPEOM will work on health as a right to equality, evaluation of overseas tax systems, continuing training as part of integration and on indicators, tools and statistics for the evaluation of public policies.

“The latter subject is particularly crucial in the overseas territories in general and in St. Martin in particular,” emphasized Vice-President Nyuiadzi who is representing the Collectivité of St. Martin within the CNEPEOM Bureau.

“Despite notable progress, the Atlantic Collectivités are statistical blind spots,” he said. “The Collectivité of St. Martin is particularly handicapped by this situation. Europe requires annual statistics within the framework of the Operational Programmes (OP). This lack of statistics, as it stands, does not allow St. Martin to qualify as a NUTS 2 Region, thus preventing it from becoming the managing authority for European funds over the period 2014-2020.

“And the question will arise for OP 2021-2027,” Nyuiadzi adds. “Because of their special status, our territories, which do not have the means to create their own statistical service, fall under Institut National de la Statistiques et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) only for the census question.

“However, to get out of the blind spot of public policies, we need more indicators such as the price index, health indicators, poverty or illiteracy rates, foreign trade and Gross Domestic figures of course. This situation is very disabling for our territories,” he concluded.

CNEPEOM entrusted Vice-President Nyuiadzi with the drafting of the report on this work.

As a reminder, the National Commission for the Evaluation of Overseas State Policies brings together parliamentarians, representatives of all overseas Collectivities, representatives of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council and representatives of the Ministry for Overseas Territories and Public Action and Accounts.

Established by the Overseas Economic Development Act (LODEOM) of 2009, this commission, as its name indicates, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the State’s public policies in Overseas France, measures to promote economic and social development.

Source: The Daily Herald