Voges appointed to CFT as St. Maarten member | THE DAILY HERALD

Philipsburg/Den Haag – On September 28th, 2018 the Council of Ministers for the Kingdom agreed to the proposal to nominate Russell Voges to the King as a board member of the Committee for Financial Supervision Curaçao and St. Maarten CFT upon the recommendation of Sint Maarten.

Voges was born and currently resides on St. Maarten. He has made a career in public administration on St. Maarten and in the former Netherlands Antilles, among others as Lieutenant Governor of the Island Territory of Sint Maarten and twice as Minister of the Netherlands Antilles. Given his previous experiences as Minister of Finance and as a member of the Board of Supervision of government accountant SOAB (2004-2016), he is well versed in public finance.

Voges’ appointment will take effect on October 1st, 2018. He succeeds. Maria van der Sluijs-Plantz, who from that moment on is appointed to the Council of State in the Netherlands as State Council for St. Maarten.

The CFT board – in addition to chairman Raymond Gradus – consists of Henk Kamp (upon the proposal of the Netherlands) and Gregory Damoen (upon the proposal of Curaçao). With the appointment of Voges the board is complete again.

Coming October CFT will visit Curaçao and St. Maarten for the first time in its new composition. Chairman Gradus stated “to be pleased that this coming trip can take place in its complete constellation and to look forward to working with Russell Voges.”

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/81124-voges-appointed-to-cft-as-st-maarten-member