Volunteers wanted for annual St. Maarten Heineken Regatta | THE DAILY HERALD

SIMPSON BAY–The St Maarten Heineken Regatta is looking for volunteers to assist with the preparations and execution of the 39th edition of this annual event taking place February 28 to March 3, 2019. Approximately 150 volunteers assist in putting together this world-renowned event every year.

“The St. Maarten Heineken Regatta would not be the success it is without the help of volunteers. Some volunteers have been involved since the early years and keep coming back so they can meet up with friends and be involved in the regatta. Others book their vacation to St. Maarten specifically during the regatta so they can be part of the event. There are also a large number of people, mainly cruisers, which are only here for the season and still volunteer their time.

“One of the motivations is the social aspect. The volunteers love to meet new people and the Regatta Village at Princess Port de Plaisance Resort, Casino and Marina offers a great platform to bring everything and everyone together. Volunteers often walk away having made new friends,” stated Regatta Event Manager Leonde Vermeulen on Wednesday.

Enthusiastic and motivated volunteers are needed for merchandise sales, token booth sales, media registration, committee boat assistance, set-up and breakdown/logistics, and volunteer care. Some more specific jobs include survey-takers, hobby photographers, green team (clean-up crew), hostesses at the concerts and bar staff.

As volunteer coordinator Jane Pipes-Parisi said, “Year-long anticipation, excitement, hard work, a sense of being part of the sailing action while on land and meeting new friends from around the world are just a few of the reasons that I love the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta. I am amazed at the professionalism and hard work that is shown by the volunteers, organisers and staff each year.

“It is an intensely complex event that always runs extraordinarily well. I enjoy helping by coordinating the volunteers and can’t wait to see everyone back on the island.”

The St. Maarten Heineken Regatta said it is unique in offering a water taxi service to its competitors, sponsored by Sol Petroleum. This accommodates competitors that are anchored out in the bay or in the lagoon to get from their sailboats to the onshore venues and back.

“To be part of an exhilarating, rewarding experience of camaraderie amongst highly competitive, professional sailors and support groups in the best regatta in the world is something I look forward to every year,” said Sol water taxi service dock master Tony Parisi. “I look forward to every day with anticipation, working with fellow volunteers, meeting new competitors and seeing some of the most expensive equipment in the world.”

Persons interested in volunteering can contact St. Maarten Heineken Regatta organisers via e-mail at leonde@smyc.com .

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/84156-volunteers-wanted-for-annual-st-maarten-heineken-regatta