Voting Bureau sit today validate election results

PHILIPSBURG–The Central Voting Bureau has started its sitting in Parliament House to validate the results of the February 26 snap elections as prescribed by the country’s electoral laws. 

 The Bureau will hear petitions from any voter who believe they have reasons to recommend a recount of votes. Ruling on a recount is solely up to the Bureau. 

  All invalid ballots, which include blank ballots, from all 20 polling stations will be reviewed by the Bureau. 

  The picking up of one or more votes should an invalid ballot/s be ruled valid can change the faith of a Member of Parliament-elect as it has done in the past. This time round, only one vote separates MP-elect present Public Health Minister Emil Lee and outgoing MP Perry Geerlings, both of the United Democrats. 

  Lee has 259 votes and Geerlings 258 votes.  

Source: The Daily Herald