VSA to introduce policy: regular testing for the non-vaccinated | THE DAILY HERALD

PHILIPSBURG–Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley says the government intends to implement a policy in which persons who are not vaccinated for COVID-19 may be subjected to regular COVID-19 testing.

  The minister said this was discussed between himself and various representatives of the business community. In this meeting the minister discussed government’s intention to implement this new policy.

  The minister said the choice remains for all persons whether they wish to be vaccinated of not, however, it is a business’ obligation to maintain a safe environment. “We understand that some persons are advised by their doctor, due to medical conditions, not to take the vaccine, but at the same time, if you can’t take the vaccine, we have to put some screening measures in place,” said Ottley.

  According to the minister, this meeting was very positive, “any decision that we take, we like to involve the stakeholders…both groups agree that it is a fair movement”.

  A draft of this policy has been submitted to the Department of Legal Affairs. Once finalised, this document will be sent to the tripartite committee where they will be able to disclose their viewpoints.

  In closing, the minister noted that the government is putting this policy in place to protect the rights of both the employee and the employer. The ultimate goal of this policy is the safety of all persons.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/vsa-to-introduce-policy-regular-testing-for-the-non-vaccinated