Weapons training keeps Territorial Police updated

Territorial police officers in the shooting centre.


MARIGOT–Territorial police officers have participated in shooting lessons to sharpen skills, the Collectivité disclosed.

  Each year two sessions of firearms training are required to keep police officers sharp and always ready for any eventuality. The training is given by trainers from Centre National de Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT), a partner with the Collectivité for training territorial agents.

  The first training session was held from January 22 to 26, at the shooting centre in Anse Marcel. Authorisation to carry a weapon is allowed on condition regular training is undertaken. A police officer must fire 50 rounds a year during two mandatory training sessions.

  The training is conducted in the context of professionalization of territorial agents. “President Daniel Gibbs insists on reinforcement of preventive means for the police in the territory to fulfil their public mission of protecting citizens and maintaining peace and public order,” the Collectivité indicated in the release.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/73303-weapons-training-keeps-territorial-police-updated