DATE ISSUED: Friday, October 04, 2019 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC)
VALID UNTIL: Saturday midday (12:00 LST) October 05, 2019
WEATHER: This afternoon: Partly cloudy with isolated showers possible.
Tonight through Saturday midday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with isolated showers.
Forecast High: 33°C / 91°F Forecast Low: 27°C / 81°F
Sunset Today: 5:59 P.M. Sunrise Tomorrow: 6:04 A.M.
SURFACE WINDS: This afternoon through Saturday midday: East northeast to southeast with a light to gentle breeze of 04 to 12 mph, becoming lighter and variable at times.
SYNOPSIS: An approaching tropical wave will account for isolated showers and an increase in cloudiness across the region during this forecast period. Meanwhile, a weak high pressure ridge will maintain light winds. Seas will peak near 6 feet during the next few days.
STATE OF THE SEA: Slight to moderate WAVES/SWELLS: 4 to 6 feet
OUTLOOK through Sunday midday: Partly cloudy with isolated showers possible.
Source: The Daily Herald
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