‘Within the Dark’ awards presented | THE DAILY HERALD

CAY HILL–Mental Health Foundation (MHF) presented prizes and certificates of appreciation on August 3 to participants and winners of its “Within the Dark” competition.

Prizes and certificates were presented to journalism graduate Shola Scott and Learning Unlimited (LU) Preparatory School student Sara Bharwani.

The MHF Within the Dark project was created to highlight the importance of mental health. MHF clients and the public were involved in creating creative content to raise awareness of mental health.

MHF, which offers psychiatric and psychological mental health services, said in a press release on Friday it believes that good mental health and emotional health enhance one’s ability to cope with life’s struggles and help improve medical conditions and recovery.

During the award ceremony, which was held at the MHF building in Cay Hill, participants of the competition were thanked for their creations to give people the opportunity to use their voice in a way to shred the stigma against persons with mental health issues. Clients of MHF’s Faraja Centre were also present to receive certificates and gifts of candles created by one of the clients.

The written materials and art works collected from the competition will be compiled in an anthology, which will be named “Within the Dark.” It will be edited by MHF’s Information and Prevention Assistant Julie Alcin.

MHF thanked the persons who contributed to the competition and encourages the community to actively join the conversation and the fight against mental health stigma.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/79461-within-the-dark-awards-presented