THE HAGUE–King Willem-Alexander urged the people of the Netherlands to continue to work together in his traditional Christmas speech.
“In the Netherlands, we look out for each other and our shared interests. We must never let this moral value fade away,” the King said in his speech which was broadcast live on Dutch radio and television on Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25.
He described working together as the central theme throughout Dutch history. “Active citizens who work to create something substantial despite all our differences – this makes us strong,” the King said.
Most people in the Netherlands prefer to live in a place where conflicts are resolved together. “This willingness to take each other into account and work together has brought us far,” the King said.
People often feel helpless when confronted with brutal forces in the world, such as intimidation and extremism. “Yes, there are major problems and sometimes serious tensions,” the King said. “But the Netherlands in 2018 is one of the best places in the world to live, work and be alive.”
A world is to be won close to home, according to the King. “Christmas reminds that we are the most important source of happiness, but we too easily forget this,” he said.
In the speech, which was pre-recorded at the library of Noordeinde Palace in The Hague, the Dutch King spoke of connecting at Christmas time and how everyone experiences the time around Christmas differently.
He spoke about how it is sometimes not an easy time, especially if one is missing someone. He referred to the death of his sister-in-law Inés Zorreguieta, who committed suicide earlier this year at the age of 33, when he said that he and his wife, Queen Máxima, knew what people who are missing someone are going through.
King Willem-Alexander referred to the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, who said, “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home – so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world.”
He then referred to 450 years ago when a small group of citizens rose up against the oppression of Habsburg rule. The start of the Eighty Years’ War marked the beginning of the fight against the rule of King Philip II of Spain, which eventually led to the birth of the Netherlands.
The King spoke of the Netherlands as being one of the best places to live and work, thanks to its citizens. He referred to his visits to cities where he saw citizens working together, such as creating a garden for everyone to enjoy.
He believes that small acts like this make a great country. “A better Netherlands begins in small houses,” he said. Citizens should never underestimate their own influence. “A beautiful future is possible as long as we continue to believe in ourselves and in each other.”
He ended the five-minute speech with the words, “I wish you all – wherever you are and whatever your personal circumstances are – a blessed Christmas.”
Source: The Daily Herald
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