Wuite, Sommerall sign electoral declaration | THE DAILY HERALD

Electoral Council members Celia Richardson-Nicolaas, Bert Hofman and Linda Richardson with Minister Plenipotentiary Jorien Wuite and Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Michael Somersall


POND ISLAND–The Electoral Council invited Minister Plenipotentiary in The Hague Jorien Wuite and Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary Michael Somersall on June 29 to sign the declaration based on Article 53 of the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties.

    Due to their then-imminent departure to the Netherlands to assume their new positions, the Electoral Council invited Wuite and Somersall ahead of the rest of the Leona Romeo-Marlin Cabinet II to sign the declaration.

  By signing this declaration, the ministers declared that they are cognizant of the provisions laid down in the National Ordinance and have not acted in contravention of said provisions during the election campaign for the February 26 Parliamentary Elections.

  According to article 53, a minister must submit a declaration signed by him/her to the Electoral Council that he/she did not act in contravention of the provisions of said national ordinance during the election campaign, within 30 days of accepting an appointment as minister.

Source: The Daily Herald https://www.thedailyherald.sx/islands/78479-wuite-sommerall-sign-electoral-declaration