Student arrested for drug possession


knuckle duster marijuana

Police confiscated marijuana and a knuckle duster. Photo KPSM

St. Maarten News – Police arrested a 16-year- old student on L.B. Scott road yesterday around noon, after receiving a phone call saying that he was smoking drugs with some friends.

A search of the student’s bag yielded four small bags of marijuana and a knuckle duster. Police confiscated the drugs and the weapon. The student was taken to the police station for questioning.

The police advise parents to monitor their children and look for signs of marijuana use. They are, according to the police report: bloodshot eyes, fast hearty rate, sleepy, lethargic, lack of coordination and an increased craving for snacks. Other symptoms are cconfusion and lack of focus, unusually talkative, dropping studies or usual activities, misjudging time and secretiveness.

Source: Today SXM News Student arrested for drug possession