SZV donates custom made wheelchair to paraplegic

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PHILIPSBURG–Social and Health Insurance SZV has donated a new custom made wheelchair to its “well known customer” paraplegic Fritz Pantophlet.

Minister of Public Health Emil Lee, DMR Corporation representative Dr. Angel Pardo and SZV representative Orianda Hoendervangers-Rojer recently presented the wheelchair to Pantophlet.

Pantophlet’s current health care needs stem from his spinal cord injury combined with a diabetic condition and weight management.

SZV said the new wheelchair will make “a significant impact” in Pantophlet’s quality of life. The insurance company provider said the most important aspect of any wheelchair is appropriate seating that corrects what is possible and supports fixed deformities. Pantophlet’s new wheelchair has custom footrest to support his windswept and fixed feet position. This allows for better weight distribution that will significantly reduce his current discomforts. It also has an open seat to back angle to support his current situation. His new wheelchair is completely modular and can change with him to always meet his needs.

“It’s been an honour to work with Fritz and provide him with a new wheelchair that has changed his outlook on life and allows him to commit to lifestyle changes. These changes will improve his health and serve as an example investing in prevention will result in overall health care expenditures,” President of The DMR Corporation Dr. Angel Pardo said.

The acquisition of the chair was a collaborative effort between Pantophlet, SZV and DMR Corporation – a Miami based corporation which supplied and custom made the chair. “Each party played a significant role in the success of this milestone for Pantophlet. The process consisted of constant consultation, a weight management journey, evaluation and consultation on effective solutions for Pantophlet,” SZV said.

Pantophlet’s son Jamal received hands on training from Pardo on how to adjust the settings and general maintenance of the wheelchair.

“I have known Fritz for several years and have shared in some of his ambitions, successes and frustrations. I am delighted that Fritz has finally received his long awaited wheelchair. It was so satisfying to see the joy and satisfaction in Fritz’s face as well as the face of his son. I am delighted to see that Fritz is enjoying the fruits of SZV’s new service program being implemented,” Lee was quoted as saying in a press release issued by SZV on Monday.

“Thanks Jehovah God for giving me the faith and courage through this long awaited custom wheelchair journey and for my family and real special friends who believed in me,” Pantophlet said.

In the past SOS Radio held a fundraising telethon for the funds of additional flights of supporting representatives that would join Pantophlet on a trip to Miami for custom fitting for the wheelchair. Because Pantophlet had to be hospitalized in the St. Maarten Medical Center, the original trip to Miami got cancelled. SZV and the DMR Corporation arranged that Pardo come to St. Maarten for the fitting and customisation of the new wheelchair.

SZV said it continues its efforts to put the efficiency and the needs of its customers in the forefront. “Without denying that there is room for improvement, the organisation is making the required steps to not only provide quality service but, through this also improve the quality of life of (its) customers,” SZV said.

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