Agenda Announcement of the 4th International Health and Wellness Tourism Congress


Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic — The Dominican Health Tourism Association (ADTS) and AF Comunicación Estratégica presented the agenda of the 4th International Health and Wellness Tourism Congress, which will take place from September 5 to 7 at the Renaissance Santo Domingo Jaragua Hotel & Casino.

Dr. Alejandro Cambiaso, MD, President of the Association (ADTS), announced that this edition would involve more than 40 expert speakers, who will analyze the global perspective of the health and wellness tourism, the challenges and opportunities of its human capital and the Dominican offer of health services. We will also discuss the innovations in the insurance, financial and tourism sectors, how to manage the reputation of the destination, importance of wellness in the hotel industry, as well as other topics that seek to diversify the tourist offer, aligned with the presidential goal of attracting 10 million tourists by 2022.

“The congress will be the scenario in which the Vice President of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Margarita Cedeño, will share the importance of the public-private partnerships in health tourism, while the Executive Director of the National Competitiveness Council, Mr. Rafael Paz, will present the results of the first study of the Competitiveness of the Dominican Republic in Health Tourism”, said Dr. Cambiaso. In the same way, Amelia Reyes Mora, President of AF Comunicación Estratégica, said that this meeting had become a multi-sector integration platform for business development and investment opportunities, offering companies an excellent B2B scenario for networking and the positioning and recognition of their brands.

“On the opening night special recognition will be granted to personalities who have excelled in the sector, and to conclude the two days of congress, a private lunch will be held with the support of the government and the financial sector for local and international investors, whose objective is to identify resources for new health tourism projects, free zones of medical devices and communities for retirees”, added the Vice President of the Dominican Health Tourism Association, Amelia Reyes Mora.

On a special lunch at the end of the event, Ms. Luisa Fernández, Executive Director of the National Council of Free Trade Zones for Exportation, will moderate the panel: Free Zones as an investment platform and development of medical device companies.

The organizers reported that this activity would recognize international experts among which stand out, the writer and expert in Global Health Tourism, Dr. Prem Jagyasi; the Vice-president of Johns Hopkins, Ms. Kathy Deruggiero; the Chairman of Global Patient Services of Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Nizar Zein, MD; the CEO of Global Health Care Accreditation, Karen Timmons; the CEO Accreditation Canada International, Ms. Leslee Thompson, the President of World Care International, Dr. Hassan Sharif, MD; the Director of the Health and Dentistry  Cluster of Medellín, Dr. Adolfo Moreno, MD and the Executive Director of International Medicine Promotion of Costa Rica, Mr. Massimo Manzi, among other industry actors.

Likewise, the congress will have outstanding local representation, with the participation of prestigious professionals, presidents and C level executives of the most important hotels, universities, banks, clinics, national and international health insurance, medical facilitators, tour operators and traveler’s insurance.

The biannual event is organized by the Dominican Health Tourism Association (ADTS) and the Communication and Public Relations firm experts in Health Tourism, AF Comunicación Estratégica.

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Source: 721 News