Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (162082) 1998 HL1 close encounter: how, where and when to see it. | 721 NEWS

As we mentioned elsewhere, on 25 Oct. 2019, the potentially hazardous asteroid (162082) 1998 HL1 will have a safe, close encounter with the Earth. Because of the relatively short distance and the generous dimension of the object, this asteroid will be an easy target even with small telescopes.

Here it is how to see it!

Seeing a potentially hazardous asteroid with your own,small telescope and your very own eyes, while it quickly moves across the stars, it is uncommon. Guess what: next nights you have this rare opportunity.

Potentially hazardous asteroid 162082 (1998 HL1) is one of those intriguing objects: discovered in 1998 by the LInear survey, its…. >>> READ MORE….

Source: 721 News https://www.721news.com/top-story/potentially-hazardous-asteroid-162082-1998-hl1-close-encounter-how-where-and-when-to-see-it/