CLUB SERVICE / Lions Club Oualichi: Véronique Paul hands over to Cherry-Ann Hamilton-Lake | FAXINFO

On Saturday, June 3, the Lions Club Oualichi organized its big evening of transfer of power and induction of a new member in the warm setting of the Ma-Ti-Beach restaurant in Nettle Bay.

It was during a great convivial evening that the handover and induction of a new member into the Lions Club Oualichi took place. In the presence of about fifty members of service clubs and associations of the island, the Rotary Club, Soroptimist, Lions Club of Sint-Maarten, the French Red Cross and the SNSM of Saint-Martin,  Véronique Paul has passed the famous necklace of president to Cherry-Ann Hamilton-Lake who will take up her new duties on July 1st. The club secretary is named Patricia Choisy.

The members of the Lions Club Oualichi also welcomed Marie-Christine Chevallereau, well known on the island and inducted during this most cordial evening during which the violinist, Marta Ludanyi and the saxophonist of Jazz Owi Mazel made display of all their talents._AF

Source: Faxinfo