ENVIRONMENT: Successful mobilization for the January Clean up | FAXINFO

Last Sunday, the Clean St-Martin association brought together thirty volunteers to clean the beach located between Baie Nettle and Belle Créole. This site, where waste carried by the sea has been accumulating for several months, required a major intervention.

In total, About 20m³ of rubbish was collected, filling two pickup trucks and a quad trailer made available by members of the association.


Among the waste found: a hundred bags of non-recyclable waste, as well as around fifteen bags of glass and metal cans which were able to be sorted. This operation, the 90th organized since the end of 2017, is part of an ongoing process of raising awareness about environmental preservation.


The last intervention on this site dates back to December 2023, despite regular efforts by local residents and walkers.


After several hours of collecting, volunteers et organizers gathered around drinks and king cakes, a friendly moment to thank everyone for their commitment. Clean St-Martin invites all those who wish to contribute to follow its actions via its Facebook page Association Clean St Martin and to join the next operations.

Keep SXM Clean!  _VX

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/environnement-mobilisation-reussie-pour-le-clean-up-de-janvier/