NARCOTRAFIC: 2 tonnes of cocaine seized off the coast of Martinique | FAXINFO

After the historic seizure of 1 tonnes of cocaine by COMGEND soldiers from Saint-Martin/Saint-Barthélemy on April 8 aboard a fast boat, the Armed Forces in the Antilles (FAA) carried out the seizure at the beginning of May. seizure of 30 bales of cocaine stored on board two ships off the coast of Martinique for a total weight of 106 tonnes of white powder.

The interventions took place one week apart: on May 2 for the building “le Ventôse” on a sailboat flying the Polish flag, on May 9 for “La Résolue” on a ship with no apparent name or nationality.

“Le Ventôse” thus seized 54 bales of cocaine for a total weight of 1237 kg, and handed over the crew members, the cargo and the sailboat to the specialized interregional jurisdiction of Fort-de-France.

Regarding “La Résolue”, 52 bales of cocaine with a total weight of 1236 kg were seized and then destroyed.

Since the start of the year, 10,8 tonnes of narcotics have been seized by the Armed Forces in the Antilles._AF

Source: Faxinfo