Sargassum forecast: Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy at low risk | FAXINFO

In its monitoring and forecast bulletin for the stranding of pelagic sargassum for the Northern Islands communicated on November 13, 2023, Météo France classifies the risk level as low for the territories of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy.

After a particularly intense start to the season and months of repetitive strandings, Météo France's forecasts are reassuring for the days and weeks to come. In the Antilles / Guyana area, some detections of sargassum are observed to the east of Barbados, more than 600 kilometers away. Scattered rafts are moving on the one hand off the coast of the Lesser Antilles and on the other hand off the coast of Guyana. Despite significant cloud cover, the satellite images from November 12 allow a concrete analysis of the situation around the Northern Islands. Good news: no notable detection near or off the two French islands. However, it remains possible that small rafts of sargassum not detected during the analyzes produce small, non-significant arrivals very locally. But nothing that we have seen since the start of the season. Concerning the trends for the next two weeks, the rafts scattered off the east of Dominica are moving up a little towards Guadeloupe but the risk of grounding remains low. Detections are currently poorly organized. They are located in remote areas and unlikely to threaten Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy. _VX

Source: Faxinfo