UNUSUAL: A little girl will pass her baccalaureate at the age of… 9 years old! | FAXINFO

The youngest candidate for the 2024 baccalaureate is only nine years old, and this is a record in the history of this exam. The little girl, registered as an independent candidate, should be in CE2 class.

This is a record in the history of the exam. The youngest candidate for the 2024 general and technological baccalaureate is nine years old, the Ministry of National Education announced on Friday. The student from the Strasbourg academy, of CE2 school age, is registered as a free candidate for the baccalaureate session, which starts on June 18 with the philosophy test, added the ministry. In order to get back up to speed, the young candidate, who chose the mathematics and physics-chemistry specialties, recently took “one-off tests, which correspond to continuous assessment”, specified the National Education._AF

Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/insolite-une-fillette-va-passer-son-bac-a-lage-de-9-ans/