WEATHER: Change to orange vigilance “heavy rain – thunderstorms” for Saint-Martin and Saint-Barth | FAXINFO

Strong storm activity is underway in the north of the West Indies and could spill over onto our islands. In accordance with Météo France forecasts, the islands of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin may be affected by thunderstorms and heavy rain overnight.

These can give significant amounts of rain in a short time (80 mm possible in three hours). Over the entire episode expected to last until Sunday morning, cumulative rainfall could reach 100 to 120 mm. A move to orange vigilance was therefore decided today from 17 p.m.

The Prefect of the Northern Islands asks everyone to adopt the following preventive measures:

  • Find out before you start a trip and be very careful.
  • Avoid walks and hikes in relief
  • If you live in a flood zone, secure your property that could be damaged and watch for rising water.
  • If your home may be threatened by a landslide, leave it or prepare to evacuate quickly.
  • In the event of a storm: avoid using telephones and electrical appliances. Do not take shelter in a wooded area, near pylons or poles, or under an isolated tree.

Source: Faxinfo