Weather: Tropical depression n°3 is heading towards the Caribbean arc | FAXINFO

The BRET storm is heading towards the Caribbean arc

The Miami Cyclone Forecasting Center (NHC) announces a passage over the Caribbean arc from Friday, June 23 in the morning between Martinique and Dominica.

Despite the extreme computing power of weather computers in 2023, 4-day trajectory forecasts can vary from 250 km further north (St-Martin) or further south (Barbados/St-Vincent).

In general the tendency of the phenomena is rather to oblique towards the north alas.

Let's hope that for this time this is not the case or else frankly in the north in order to avoid our islands which have suffered enough and which are just recovering from 2017.

Let's stay tuned to the various sites on this first alert of the 2023 hurricane season.

NHC website reminder: or Weather France Guadeloupe:


UTC universal time position forecast (remove 4h for SXM)                              

North latitude West latitude Max wind

19/06/2023 21:00 11.3N 42.2W 35 Kt 65 Km/h

20/06/2023 06:00 11.7N 44.8W 40 Kt 74 Km/h

20/06/2023 18:00 12.2N 47.7W 50 Kt 93 Km/h

21/06/2023 06:00 12.7N 50.3W 60 Kt 111 Km/h

21/06/2023 18:00 13.2N 52.9W 65 Kt 120 Km/h

22/06/2023 06:00 13.7N 55.5W 70 Kt 130 Km/h

22/06/2023 18:00 14.3N 58.3W 70 Kt 130 Km/h

23/06/2023 18:00 15.5N 63.6W 65 Kt 120 Km/h

24/06/2023 18:00 17.0N 68.5W 60 Kt 111 Km/h


For information St-Martin is located at 18°N and 63°W and 1° = 110km

Source: Faxinfo