On Monday August 28, 2023, President Louis Mussington and 3rd Vice-President Dominique Démocrite Louisy had the pleasure of welcoming the Regional Director of Pôle Emploi Guadeloupe Îles du Nord, Fabrice Marie-Rose, to the Community for the signing of the agreement. framework linking the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and Pôle Emploi around the employability of Saint-Martin residents.
Highly anticipated, the framework agreement between the Collectivity of Saint-Martin and Pôle Emploi Guadeloupe Îles du Nord is now operational. Led locally by Nathalie Rubini, director of the Pôle Emploi de Saint-Martin and Thierry Stephen, director of Employment, Skills, Training, within the Collectivity, this institutional tool will make it possible to deploy systems for the benefit of the most vulnerable groups (fight against illiteracy, reinforcement of basic knowledge), people without jobs, neither diplomas nor training, women and people far from employment and people looking for further training. Pôle Emploi is therefore responsible for supporting these people through a personalized course with a view to their professional reintegration, and also for monitoring employers in their local recruitment process. As Louis Mussington indicated: "The objective through this framework agreement is to put real solutions in place for the employment of young people from Saint-Martin, in particular through the strengthening of social integration clauses in public contracts. , already included in the public procurement of the COM, but also to work on anticipating labor needs, within the framework of the projection of future projects". Fabrice Marie-Rose, for his part, insisted on the full support of Pôle Emploi Guadeloupe to the inhabitants of Saint-Martin in their search for training and employment. Through this action, the Collectivity of Saint-Martin is part of a reinforced approach to training and support for job seekers, in order to offer real employment opportunities to Saint-Martin residents.
Source: Faxinfo https://faxinfo.fr/en/une-convention-pour-renforcer-laccompagnement-vers-lemploi/
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